Some questions for your website.

Who's it for? How do they get here?

When they come here what are they looking for?

And what do you seek for that person to know, to learn, to understand?

What action do you want them to take once they are there?

Why should they trust you? [If you can't answer this, read This is Marketing by Seth Godin]

Who’s already using your services? [People like us do things like these.]

Once they trust you, what else do they need to know to move forward?

What’s the price of what you are offering? What’s the cost for them if they make a bad decision?

A few more:

Are you selling an iPhone to someone looking for a smartphone or are you trying to convince something that they should buy a smartphone?

If you are doing the latter, you are expecting your website to do too much work.

Are you answering questions on your website that the wrong people have asked you?

The devil advocates, the critics or the people who simply don't care. Would the person you are seeking to serve want you to answer these questions?

HT to Seth Godin for these questions and for teaching me almost everything.