Working through ambiguity.

We almost always have two options: choosing the ambiguous path or choosing the path of clarity.

The path of clarity has clear actions and clear outcomes.

You want a job, make a CV and apply on a job website. You want a date, make a profile on bumble.

But the path which offers clear actions and clear outcomes rarely leads to a beautiful destination. Either it is extremely boring or extremely cluttered or mostly, both.

The path of ambiguity is the path of thorns and bushes. It takes mental and emotional labour to sort through the ambiguity.

To understand yourself, your motivations, your intentions. To generate leads and talk to them. To bring clarity by working through the ambiguity.

Very few dare to traverse the path of ambiguity. Putting one step ahead of other. Using their heart as a compass on this terrain.

These who persevere know and experience the beauty of the creative process.