Who do you report to?

I never liked the word ‘boss’ or ‘manager’.

I have never liked having a manager over me.

But if I want that, then I need to be my own boss. I need to be my own manager.

When your boss gives you a task, do you say, ‘You know what, I don’t feel like it today. Maybe I’ll start in a few days.’ No, you don’t. You pick up the task, no matter how miserable you feel while doing it, but you get it done before the deadline.

Now, can you do that for yourself. Can you not rationalise? Can you treat yourself as a boss rather than a friend with whom you can make excuses?

This is one thing that can be a game-changer. We taking ourselves and our word seriously. That also implies that we are not casual with giving our word. We value our time, energy and attention.

If we start doing that, converting the time, energy and attention into assets and earning money becomes much easier and much more fun.