What we want and what we need to do.
Goal: Lose weight
[Book reference: The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss]
- Eat a low-carb diet.
- Maintain a food log.
- Workout/walk at least 20 min 3-times a week.
- Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
- Drink at least 3 litres of water every day.
- Repeat.
Goal: Earn money
[Book reference: This is Marketing by Seth Godin]
- Pick a specific audience that you want to serve.
- Pick a specific need of theirs that you want to help with.
- Start serving them through free material (build trust).
- Create products/services that will serve them better (personalised, structured, etc).
- Create tension to help them take action. (scarcity, deadlines, etc.)
- Get referrals and testimonials
- Repeat.
Goal: Get into a relationship
- Identify what matters to you. Be as specific as possible. (eg. I want to date someone who works out actively or someone who reads, etc. Don't let this be vague or generic.)
- Based on the factors above, identify what kind of activities/places would people like that participate in. Put yourself there. (Mostly, these would be activities/places that you'd also like to be proactively involved with.)
- Whenever and wherever you see someone, smile and say "Hi!". [This alone can help you feel much less lonely.]
- Be respectful and empathetic to the person interacting with you. Make them feel comfortable and at ease. Let them have an easy out. (Note that the more people you interact with, the more comfortable you will become.)
- When you find the person you want to move forward with, take action (create tension) to help them move forward. Don't become complacent in your comfort zone.