Two ways to grow your business.

The difficult (almost, impossible) way to grow your business is this:
* let your imagination/intelligence/muse come up with a product/service/idea.
* let that idea become as large as possible in your head.
* imagine who this idea would help and how.
* try to convince (read: force) these people that they have a problem you have imagined they have and now they need to buy your solution to solve this imaginary problem
* sulk and become angry at the universe that no one gets what you are trying to do.

The way most businesses grow is this:
* look for a particular audience that resonates with you: especially the early adopters, the people who take risks, the people who are looking for something exciting
* talk to them, hang out with them, and figure out what they desire, what they want, what they need, what they are angry at. learn as much as you can about them. [this shouldn't seem like work because you love hanging out with them. if you don't love that, find another group]
* based on what you learn, iterate the first version of what might excite them. put it in writing. offer it as a product/service, rather than an idea. [invest minimum time/energy/money in bringing this product/service in front of them]
* either they'll jump in excitement and pay you money. or they'll not. [if they don't, go to the next iteration]
* keep iterating and keep focusing on this small audience until they jump with excitement.
* you have your business.