Trusting our selves.

The search for certainty and guarantee in our work comes from our lack of trust in ourselves that we will figure things out when we get there. Most times, we want to be sure of the outcome before we even get started. Until then, we are okay with delaying the work that we seek to do. We want all lights to be green before we leave our homes.

This hiding, this doubt, creates misery. We live a life we want to leave and we keep delaying the life that we want to live. The only way to change this is to take the risk that it might not work out and still do the work.

You don't need to leave your job to do that but maybe cancelling your Netflix subscription might help in getting that extra hour where you can do your work.

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, whether it is a professional goal or a personal one, it would take intentional action to overcome the resistance and get started and keep going.