The next one...

Once you ship a project, the anxiety about how it's doing, how it's being perceived, and what you could have done better can take over...

...which is not useful because now the work is shipped. You can't do much about it.

What you can do is channel your creative energy into the next project, the next initiative.

But, what about taking a break?

Instead of taking breaks between projects (where you can become overwhelmed by the outcome of the previous one), you can choose to take the break in the middle of the next one, when it has sufficient momentum that you can come back to it.

A break between projects can become a fertile ground for resistance.

Excerpt From The War of Art by Steven Pressfield:

“...that moment when I first hit the keys to spell out THE END was epochal. I remember rolling the last page out and adding it to the stack that was the finished manuscript. Nobody knew I was done. Nobody cared. But I knew. I felt like a dragon I’d been fighting all my life had just dropped dead at my feet and gasped out its last sulfuric breath...

...Next morning I went over to Paul’s for coffee and told him I had finished. “Good for you,” he said without looking up. “Start the next one today.”