The mindset of possibility.

How can we let go of our need for certainty and embrace a mindset of possibility? A mindset where we let new things happen to us, where we create space for new people and new experiences.

Our faux need for certainty comes from fear: it comes from past heartbreaks and our innate desire to protect ourselves going forward by not repeating our past mistakes.

But that never works out well, does it? When we try to protect ourselves, we tend to keep repeating the same patterns over and over again.

The way to break these patterns is to embrace the new: new knowledge, new people, new experiences.

Will there be heartbreaks here? Most likely, yes. But just like it doesn't make sense for an infant to keep living in her mother's womb, similarly, it doesn't make sense to be captive to our old habits, routines and fears.

Recommended reading: The Art of Possibility by Ben & Rosamund Zander