The edge of the box.

We all live in a box, the box of our awareness, our knowledge, our certainty. It's the people we know, the books we have read, the places we have visited. Our perceived reality is within this box.

And then there's the outside of the box, the infinite possibilities that exist, where we can meet anyone, we can be anywhere. But it's also scary. We don't know how to go outside. We only know what we know.

There is no simple transition from the finite, inside the box to the infinite, outside the box. Instead, if we go to the edges of the box, the place where we can push the edges and make our box bigger, we get a chance to dance with possibility.

It takes courage to go to the edges and not become too comfortable staying within the box.

Outside the box is dark. But the edges, that's where the magic lies.
- Seth Godin