Choices and decisions.

We make a lot of choices each day, and sometimes we might call them decisions. Most of the choices are impulse choices or habits that we have formed over time. On the other hand, decisions are mindful thought and reviewed. They help us in making the choices as we go ahead.

You decide to eat healthily and then every time you choose the healthier option.

You decide to be a runner and then every day you choose to go running because you are now a runner.

I made a decision to write a daily blog couple of years back. Now, every day, I don't have to decide whether to write a blog or not. I have to choose what to write.

If we make start making only a few decisions right in our life, our life will change track as a lot of our choices will start taking shape on their own. The key here is to stop worrying about the choices and start focussing on the decisions.