Telling the WE story.

Some excerpts from The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander & Ben Zander:

(We have) distinguished a new entity that personifies the “togetherness” of you and me... This entity, the WE, can be found among any two people... and it can be thought of, in poetic terms, as a melody running through people. It emerges in the way music emerges from individual notes when a phrase is played as one long line...

The WE story defines a human being in a specific way: It says we are our central selves seeking to contribute, naturally engaged, forever in a dance with each other.

It points to relationship rather than to individuals, to communication patterns, gestures, and movement rather than to discrete objects and identities. It attests to the in-between.

Like the particle-and-wave nature of light, the WE is both a living entity and a long line of development unfolding.

It's up to us to choose which story we want to tell: the "you and I" story or the "we" story.