The minimum viable action step.

The minimum viable action step (intentionally singular): What is the one complete action step that can move you towards your goal (again, singular)?

It's tempting to try to do many things at the same time and not complete the minimum viable action step on any. We don't say, "My goal is to apply to one job today" or "My goal is to do one push-up today". Instead, we make it complicated and intangible.

Trying to improve your diet? Eating one decently healthy meal is a minimum viable action step.

Trying to work out? Doing one push-up is a minimum viable action step.

Trying to build a business? Making one product (even a bad one, especially the bad one) live is a minimum viable action step.

Looking for a job? Completing the application for a single job is a minimum viable action step.

Wanting to write more? Publishing one blog entry (again, a bad one will do) is a minimum viable action step.

Whatever your goal, identifying and completing the minimum viable action step will take you further than any amount of planning and deliberation.

The more we delay the minimum viable action step, the more likely it is that we are not going to go on the journey to pursue our goal.