Neutral zone.

During the day, any stimulus can trigger us into the negative zone, the zone where emotions are high, the zone where we doubt ourselves, the zone where we think more and do less, and the zone where we can't see anything good about us or the world.

Sometimes, we may try to force ourselves out of the negative zone and get to the positive one, but many times those efforts may not yield results. The gravity pull of the negative zone is too strong for that.

On the other hand, what might work is to go neutral, to be grounded, and to find our feet first. We can do this by observing where we are, writing down about how we are feeling and what triggered us, and figuring out where we need to be next.

The neutral zone allows us to breathe, accept where we are, and change what we seek to change. It allows us to shift gears, be positive and productive again and gain some control over our day.

The way to stop our emotions from driving our day and our life is to practice neutralising them.