The fear of new.

We stick with jobs that don't fulfil us, we prolong relationships that we should have ended long ago, we hang out with friends we don't feel like hanging out with, we live in cities we don't feel a belonging to, we stick to habits that take us away from what we seek to be...

We do all this because we are afraid of the new, the unknown. We resist the change.

The fear of new is not only psychological, it's physiological as well.

We feel safe in the old. We know it well, we know what works and what doesn't. There's hardly anything that can disappoint us, there's hardly anything that can excite us either.

New, on the other hand, is scary, and uncertain. We have to face the fact that it might not work, at least not as we expect it to.

But new is also exciting and challenging and it creates possibility.

When we start embracing the uncertainty that comes with the new, we begin to grow, we start exploring possibilities. We may start a hobby we know nothing about, or go to places we have never explored, or meet people who we did not know exist.

There is a membrane of fear we need to transcend in order to start embracing the new, but it's worth the effort to get to the other side.