Making way for your audience to reach you.

As a creator or freelancer, you live in your reality, the place where you are certain about things and people, the place where you know your stuff, and the place where you know who you can trust. That's your sphere of reality. And for you, it is difficult to understand and trust things outside this sphere.

Similarly, someone in your potential audience has their sphere of reality. And for them, it's difficult to trust someone outside their sphere.

Thus, our job as a creator is to help someone in our potential audience bridge the gap of uncertainty, doubt and mistrust that lies between these two spheres and help them reach and interact with our sphere.

It can start by connecting to them through someone they already trust, providing them value in a mindful, empathetic manner, and helping them take the steps that bring them closer to knowing about us, engaging with us and enrolling with us.

This trust is not built by a one-time gimmick or a shiny lead magnet, but by showing up with intent day after day, creating value for the people who are looking to engage with us.

Prospecting is not a side project, it is "the job" of the freelancer. It is the hard work of helping our potential clients transition the journey to engage with us.