Imperfect forward motion.

When we are working on a project, we can get stuck and become paralysed trying to figure out the perfect strategy or perfect action to execute. Fear and self-sabotage work together in sync to stop us from taking any action.

It's not that we forgot about the project. Rather, we keep thinking about it all the time. We play scenarios in our heads both good and bad. We invent tactics and we invent outcomes, sometimes favourable, sometimes unfavourable.

But all this thinking leads to nothing. Because, no matter what we do inside our heads, it does not ship, it does not change anything, it does not move the project forward.

Instead, if we can figure out what one small action step we can take to move the project forward (or even backwards), and then merely focus on taking that action step, we start making progress. One action step at a time.

The action step may not make much sense. It may not be the most optimum way. There may be much better ways to take the project forward.

But, if we get can the ship moving, we can also get it moving in the right direction. We can't navigate the ship if it isn't moving.