"I will do this later."

This is a trap.

The trap lies in the missing question, "Okay! When is later?"

Without the answer to "When is later?", we are off the hook. There is no accountability. Later encompasses the remaining entirety of our lifetime. And hence, every time the thing pops up in our mind, we can repeat, "I will do this later."

Only until it's too late, only until we have missed the bus, do we realise how we played into the trap.

A truer statement would be, "I am afraid. So, I am not committing to do this. But I am not willing to take this off my plate either."

A better, more productive, statement would be, "This is ambiguous. I need to sit and write about it for a while. I will sit down "tomorrow at 9.30 am for 90 minutes" [choose your own specifics] to decide whether to go ahead with this or not?"

The less we rely on "I will do this later" and the more we allocate time and space to do things that we need to or want to do, the less stressful our life becomes.