How to be miserable?
Take a task or an idea.
Make it extremely important.
Don’t put a deadline to it.
Now your mind will take care of making you miserable.
You’d think of this and you’d think of that.
Scenario 1: What if I did this? Scenario 2: What if I did that?
You know, I can do it this way too.
You want to hear what I am doing next? You see, I have this great idea. What if…
Now, you can do it for days, for sure.
But it can easily go on to weeks, and months, and even years.
How do you get out of that misery?
Put a deadline to it. And add a bit of public shame in missing the deadline.
Once the deadline is serious. Once there is no out. Then you’d find a way to do it. And you’d stop being miserable.