Holding onto hope.

It's easy to lose hope, to look around and see nothing but despair and reasons why you should give up and accept that you are no good.
Add to that the cultural narrative like "It's the hope that kills you" or "Hope is a dangerous thing", and it feels tempting to play it safe, to not put ourselves on the hook, to not show up.
Yes, we need a strategy, or as James Cameron says, "Hope is not a strategy". But a strategy without hope might not have enough fuel to go the distance.
It takes courage to see hope again, to trust in the seen and unseen forces on our side, to take another step forward towards where desire may lead us.
As Andy Dufresne says in the Shawshank Redemption: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
HT (and image credits) to Archita Goyal (ArGo) for her generous work in helping many of us (including me) in holding onto hope.
Check out her work here: https://www.instagram.com/architagoyal