Discrete and continuous.

There must be more than 200 points in a single tennis match. But we break it down into winning 5 points per game, 6 games per set and 3 sets per match.

There are 300 balls in a single ODI innings in cricket. We break them down in 50 overs of 6 balls each.

Even though in terms of magnitude, there seems to be no difference between the two, in terms of execution it changes everything.

The tennis player is focussed on winning this point. The cricket batsman is focussed on this particular over.

It makes sense then to break a work day into 6 sprints of 45 minutes each and note what you accomplished there.

It also makes sense to break the seemingly large continuous projects into micro-units, that can be worked on.

It is in our favour to break the continuous into the discrete.