Covid-19 to Hubed-20

The virus and the disease.

  • The virus grows, multiplies.
  • Each new entity needs more resources. Each new entity grows, multiplies.
  • The host starts fighting.
  • Either the host wins and the virus dies. Or they both die.
  • In both cases, the virus dies.

The virus does not know better. Do we?

There is another disease that another being is facing. There is another host that is in danger.

Human beings and the earth. Do we know better? Can we seek the third alternative? Instead of the virus, can we be the bacteria that the host needs and cannot survive without?

We can already see that it is possible. We can get our essentials without polluting and destroying this planet? Can we stop this excessive greed and growth?

If we don’t mend our ways after the Covid-19 scare is over, the earth will suffer from Hubed-20, Human Beings Disease 2020. [Covid-19 is named by WHO as an abbreviation of COrona VIrus Disease 2019.]

If we don’t act, Covid-19 will be succeeded by Hubed-20 and in either case, the virus would die.

Now is the time.