Climate change is a "we" problem.

Climate change is real and we are already seeing its impact on our environment.

For a long time now, even if we were concerned about it, we did not know much about how we can impact it.

Seth Godin has generously led the Carbon Almanac project to bring about change in how we can impact the problem.

The Carbon Almanac is launching in the next 2 months globally and it is upon us to take it up as our project.

Check out the message from Seth below. I have joined the volunteer team. Having you on board as well will be amazing.

Message from Seth (with slight edits):

We’re inviting you to join our worldwide group of volunteers as we prepare to launch the Almanac in June. Our launch team is forming now, and it’s a chance to be part of something and make a difference. Please check out this page for the details. Thank you.

ALSO! We’re building a Wall of Fame on our website to celebrate companies that care enough about our future to share copies of the Almanac when it comes out. Small companies can easily find a good use for five or ten copies, and we’ve made it easy and cost-effective to pre-order. The form is to sign up is here. All participants get a link back to their site and a chance to make an impact in the world.

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