Changing our identity.

“I want to start something of my own.”
“I want to lose weight.”
“I want to get a better job.”

These statements reinforce the notion that we are not this person. We have not started anything. We have not lost weight. We are not getting a better job.

There is a big chasm between wanting to do something and actually doing it. We can break this chasm into micro actions.

So, let’s say, you start spending 20 minutes on your new idea. You turn off the wifi, take a few blank sheets of paper and a text editor and sit there for 20 minutes daily. No matter what. Put a timer. You don’t need to sit for 21 minutes. Just 20.

Do this for 5 days back to back. You no longer would want to start something, you would be working on something of your own.

Same works with workout. 1 pushup. Do just one pushup or one crunch everyday. Nothing more, nothing less. Do it for 5 days.

Small consistent actions change our identity.

We are no longer an aspiring writer, we are a writer.