Books a solopreneur must read.

This is Marketing by Seth Godin: Learn how to market with empathy and connection by earning permission from the people you seek to serve.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield: Understand how self-doubt & procrastination and other self-sabotage forces stop you and learn how you can overcome these forces by becoming a professional.

The Practice by Seth Godin: Understand how you can build a practice as a professional and show up in the world with generosity and intent.

The Art of Possibility by Ben & Rosamund Zander: Learn how to build the skill of possibility and create magic through your work.

The Dip by Seth Godin: Learn which projects to quit and when to quit them. And when not to.

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: Learn the minimum effective mindset and how to become effective rather than efficient.