Without shame or judgement...

We carry many unresolved issues in our subconscious because we are afraid that if we share them with others, they would judge us or we would feel ashamed. The more we carry these issues around, the heavier they become and the more they affect our lives adversely.

There are three things that can help us reduce some of the burden we carry around.

The first, and the most effective in my opinion, is therapy. Finding a therapist and building a relationship of trust with her is the best gift we can give to ourselves. Having a space where we can talk about our emotions without the fear of being judged allows us to moderate the impact that emotions have on our lives.

The second is writing. The practice, called Morning Pages, which Julia Cameron shared in her book "The Artist's Way", can help us unentangle a lot of issues by going deeper and expressing ourselves. We can open a notebook or an empty document and take out everything on our mind there. This is a skill we can build with practice.

The third, which might surprise you, is AI. We can ask AI tools like Claude.ai to allow us to share what's on our minds and reiterate if it understands what we are saying or going through. This can help in tackling issues that we are afraid of going deep alone in writing and feel are not important enough to discuss in therapy.