Prostitution The society does not look well on the women (and men) who sell (or rather, rent) their bodies to someone else for money. But what about the soul? What about your work? What about your life? Why is it okay to rent your soul in exchange for money? To not
Featured A hundred no(s). No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
What exactly is a career? Can there be life without a career? Action is inevitable. Career is about what action we take. What is our karma? Our action? The work? Money is just one of the factors of our work. It’s what allows us to continue with the work. It’s not the purpose
Money mindset. People don’t pay us because we need money. They pay us because we are offering something they want more than the money. The key to solving your money problem is to ask ’Who it’s for?’ and ’Whats’s it for’. The more you help people get what they
Getting through the dip. The dip will inevitably hit when you start showing up. And when it hits, it seems that the entire world is stacked against you. The only alternative that makes sense while going through the dip is to give up, is to stop showing up. But if we keep showing up,
What’s the framework for Career Design? The creator is at the centre of it all. And it has to be about the individuality of the creator. The individuality includes her dreams, desires, aspirations, fears. It is about reaching the foundational dreams. What is natural to the creator? What is at the centre? Each person has a
Make things happen. When you do the work, when you initiate, when you instigate. When you serve your audience. When you create tension. You make things happen. Be the one who makes things happen. — If you liked reading this, consider subscribing. If you are already a subscriber, do share with your friends.
Miss what’s happening Twitter tagline says, ‘Don’t miss what’s happening’. Unless you miss what’s happening, you won’t be making things happen. Let the breaking news break. Let the trends vanish into thin air. What will remain is what will matter. Your work and you. The amateur tweets. The pro
Permission & marketing. Marketing with permission. Do you want to get this? Do you want to learn more? Can we ask questions instead of shouting the answers? Questions is how communication happens. Questions is how relationships are built. The thing with a question is that it creates tension. The tension of giving an
Action vs. thought. Action is light and fun. Thought is heavy and burdensome. Most of our misery in life comes from thought, from trying to resolve complexities within our mind. Our mind is not a very good tool for that. Instead, once we get out of our mind and focus on getting things
Get something 'done'. The key is not to simply do but to get it done. What does done look like? What is the final step that makes the thing done? When we are struggling with Resistance and procrastination, getting one thing done leads to getting the next thing done and so on. — If
I didn’t know I could do that! The beauty of showing up and shipping is that we are surprised by ourselves. When we simply sit down and do the work, we are surprised by what we create. It take emotional labour to ignore the voice inside our head and to keep doing the work. That labour involves
Being stupid. The world is smart. Every one is. And every one is so smart that they think that only they are smart. But being smart can be stupid. Because we get nothing done when we act smart. We ship nothing when we act smart. It’s better to be stupid and
Make it easier. When we shift from the martyr energy to the trickster energy, we find easy and cool ways to get the tough things done. We stop making things precious. We focus more on doing and less on thinking. From playing deep focus music to getting a buddy sit with you while
Slippery slope Listening to Resistance is a slippery slope. Unless we mindfully put constraints in place, we can keep rolling downhill. Very soon, it all starts seeming normal and it takes tremendous effort to restart the uphill journey back to creativity. It’s important to be wary of the voice of resistance
Using Resistance as compass. What’s the one task you are avoiding? When we are busy, it’s mostly because we are avoiding the one task that needs to be done. Everything else looks attractive, tempting and sensible. Resistance puts all its efforts to make you avoid that one task. It takes tremendous effort
Taking a day off. It’s good to take a day off. But it’s not good to do nothing on that day. What is the minimum you can do so that you don’t have to start from zero? Are you too busy to do one push up? Are you too busy to
Strategy and tactics. McDonalds is fast, inexpensive and is based on local franchise. Everything McDonalds done is in line with the strategy. Opening a fine dining restaurant won’t work for McDonalds. When we don’t have a strategy, we are all over the place. We don’t have a basis to take
Do it now. Yes, you can do it later. But will you? What will change later? How will later make things better? And what will it cost you to carry this thing around in your head? It’s better to do it now and move forward than putting it off for later and
When it's not possible to show up... …that is when it is the most important to show up. When it’s been a bad day, a busy day, when it seems as if we don’t have time at all, when we are drowning, it is very important to do the act of generosity, of showing up,
What doesn't make sense. Writing a blog daily doesn’t make sense. Starting a podcast doesn’t make sense. Spending an hour daily for 6 months to write a book doesn’t make sense. As we transition from the industrial era to the modern era, the actions that don’t make sense are the
Going back. There are times in our lives when we figure things out, when we are effective and happy. Over time, resistance creeps up and makes us lose our old hard-earned habits. It makes sense to sometimes go back to what worked. This time, we can go and build those habits again
Less decision making. The less the decision making in something you want to do consistently, the more consistent you’d become. Seth Godin writes a blog daily. He has been doing that for nearly 20 years. The key to doing that is that he doesn’t have to decide daily whether he will
Reply now, not later. There are so many times when we see a post or an email and we want to tell the person something. Instead, we choose to simply click the <3 icon or to put it off for later. But that later never comes. It doesn’t do good to check
No one else knows and no one else cares. Not as much as you. Your project, your book, your work. No one else know or cares about it as much as you do. In the face of self-doubt and fear, it may seem right to seek validation from people around you. But they don’t know much about what