Without a strategy. Some journeys have their paths defined. You don't need a compass for them. You can simply do what the map says. But most of the work that matters doesn't have a map, doesn't have paths laid out, doesn't have a herd to
Later has no date. When we have to choose "now or later?", it's tempting to choose later. Somehow we feel that later will be better. But later is not specific enough. Is it tomorrow? next week? next year? Instead of hiding behind later, we can choose to put a date
At the last moment. If you keep doing things at the last moment, you would become quite good at doing things at the last moment. What you would not become good at is doing them the right way and especially at doing the right things. It's a choice we make. What do
Lady Macbeth's perfectionism. "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!" ~ Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 1 Perfectionism can seem innocuous: "It's just one more detail that I care about." But it can be a trap. Seeing the spots that only you can see. A better way to spend our
In the ring. Getting punched in the face is part of being in the ring. Boxers don't complain or crib about that. You always have a choice of getting out of the ring, of not going back, of being a spectator. Yes, you would not get punched. But you won'
Owning your best self. The one who stands up for something, the one who take risks, the one who makes assertions. The one who isn't afraid of offending someone, the one who isn't trying to pacify everyone, the one who isn't trying to play safe. It takes courage
Fort or playground? When we perceive threats around us, the nervous system brings up the defenses and builds a fort. And in some extreme cases, it even shoots at (or at least ignores) anything good that might show up. In such a scenario, creativity and love takes a backseat and we are completely
Who do you want on your side? When I was young, we played cricket on the roof (I miss that a lot). One thing we used to do is to select 2 captains and then each person would select one of the players to be on their team. Who do you select first? Who do you select
Saying no. To things that don't serve you. To people that don't align with your energy. To places that don't bring you joy. Saying no to these can help create spaces for the ones that do.
Strategy is hard. Tactics are easy. They let you off the hook if they don't work. And if they do, you can always take the credit for them. Strategy is hard. It's a game of patience, of letting things happen over time, of doing it with generosity and persistence.
Engaging with tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to come, whether we want it to or not. We can either invest our time and energy in getting through today or in making tomorrow better. The culture of hustling (working all the time), bingeing (streaming, food, alcohol) and isolation (social media) is designed to keep us
Without drama. You can show up where you need to show up, without drama. You can do what you can do, without drama. You can become what you seek to become, without drama. We ship our projects without drama. Because drama doesn't make our projects better. ~ Seth Godin
Telling the WE story. Some excerpts from The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander & Ben Zander: (We have) distinguished a new entity that personifies the “togetherness” of you and me... This entity, the WE, can be found among any two people... and it can be thought of, in poetic terms, as a
Don't rush the other side. And don't keep it waiting either. Do what you need to get done with urgency. And let ideas, inspiration, love, outcomes take their time. As creatives, we dance with both urgency and patience: urgency with action and patience with results.
Show up. Whoever you think you want to engage with, show up. Be the gift, be positivity, be abundance, be love, be a contribution. See where they are seeking to go and align yourself in their journey. All of us can make someone’s day better by being our best selves.
Drip by drip. Trust builds drip by drip. Love builds drip by drip. Reputation builds drip by drip. The industrial era popularized the notion of getting selected and the proposal, because it helped their interests. The idea that all it takes is to shine one day in an interview (or a date) to
Running on empty. If you are running out of fuel or charge, it doesn't make much sense to keep pushing the accelerator. Yes, it may push the car a little bit forward with whatever fuel is left, but it won't be able to get you anywhere meaningful. Instead, what
The wind behind your back. There are people in our lives who make us feel the wind behind our back. They make things effortless. They root for us even if no one else is. More often than not, we tend to focus more on people who stop us in our tracks than the ones who
Toddler mode. A toddler wants what the toddler wants and it wants it now. It also doesn't care about how it gets it. Any means is okay including throwing a tantrum. We might sometimes get what we want when we act like a toddler, but that will alienate the people
In the face of fear. Fear shows up, on schedule, almost everytime we engage with possibility. That's a physiological trait. Hoping that it doesn't happen is wishful thinking and doesn't help us move forward. What matters is how we act when fear shows up. Do we outrightly reject it
Getting through turbulence. If we are on a flight and face turbulence, all we can do is to remain calm and let the turbulence pass through. Even if we are the pilot. The idea of jumping out of the plane because of turbulence sounds a bit far fetched. And, of course, you can&
Waiting for permission. If you want to be a graphic designer at a startup, why don't you start designing graphics for them already? If you want to lead the fund raising for an non-profit, why aren't you doing that already? If you want to build a connection with others,
Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop! Excerpt From Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: “Around the age of fifteen, I somehow figured out that my fear had no variety to it, no depth, no substance, no texture. I noticed that my fear never changed, never delighted, never offered a surprise twist or an unexpected ending. My fear
Creating the conditions for better decision making. If you are hustled, anxious or rushed, it's unlikely you'd make a good decision. What's likely is that the discomfort will force you to make choices you wouldn't have chosen had the circumstances be different. Better decision making requires us to make
Holding onto hope. It's easy to lose hope, to look around and see nothing but despair and reasons why you should give up and accept that you are no good. Add to that the cultural narrative like "It's the hope that kills you" or "Hope is