And then magically...

Many times, we start a project, sometimes a YouTube channel, a podcast, or maybe a newsletter, with the intention of making it big or at least to be able to pay our bills.

The few success stories that everyone sees make us hope that we can win the lottery too.

Only if we keep showing up.

This works very well.

But only for the platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Substack to name a few), not for the creators who invest hours into the channel over months and sometimes years and do not get much in return.

I am not against starting such a project as long as you are not betting the farm (or at least your rent) on it.

If it's a good to have side project that gives you happiness just by doing the work (like this blog is for me), it can be an amazing hobby that might build an asset over time.

But if it is something that needs to financially sustain you, it would make sense to remove the "...and then magically" from your strategy and change it to something tangible, something that doesn't depend on winning the lottery.