A game to play.

Here's a game you might try from the book "Pathways to Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander:

There is another open-ended game that I am particularly fond of. It functions like a towrope to pull you out of your habitual decision-making patterns....

It is played like this: you pick one of the following qualities to use as your guiding principle...


The instructions for this game are:

Pick one of these qualities and commit to making every decision in line with that choice over one to three days.

At each decision point, whether it be choosing stocks or choosing socks, or speaking to a colleague, you ask yourself (depending on which one you signed up for), “What is the courageous choice? Or what is it I really desire?” Or, “What conversation do I have if I am living a life of service?”

Write the word on your person because it is easy to forget what you are doing. Include choices from the smallest to the most consequential. See where the game takes you. Once the game is in play, stay with the quality you chose.