3 kinds of shipping.

A note: I learned the idea of the 3 kinds of shipping from a fellow participant in The Creative's Workshop by Seth Godin which is now part of a thriving global creative community at purple.space.

3 kinds: shipping. Shipping. SHIPPING.

"shipping" is for the people who trust us, who give us the benefit of the doubt, who are cheering us on.

"Shipping" is where we practice putting things out in the world. We make some mistakes but mostly what we put out is refined. 

"SHIPPING" is our TED talk or the manuscript that you send to the publisher or your movie or song getting released in theatres, Netflix, or Spotify. Highly refined and edited. 

The abundance of quantity when we are shipping allows us to create quality work when we SHIP.

Seth Godin (The Practice) chimes in:

A legendary jazz musician like Patricia can sell out the Jazz Standard in New York. What’s she doing in this tiny bar in Chicago? Perhaps a hundred people can cram in to hear her, and they do, almost every Monday year-round.
Patricia explains that this is her living room. Her people are here. Not tourists or celebrity-hunters, but jazz insiders. People who are on the journey that Patricia wants to lead.
Patricia doesn’t have to worry about making a mistake in her work at the Green Mill. It’s not going to show up on social media. And she doesn’t have to keep her songs short, or upbeat, or in a major key either.
Patricia is here for the music, and so is the audience.