3 kinds of income.

The immediate one: It could be a monthly salary or income from part-time projects which pays the bills. We need this income to be certain and enough. Most work would be on spec and that's okay. We are not trying to be professionals here, we are simply doing a job.

The one we earn because of our reputation: This is where we do the work we seek to do as a professional. We build trust and reputation with our smallest viable audience through consistent drip-by-drip action. This is the work we might be most proud of. We don't cut corners here. We show up even if we don't feel like it.

The one we earn even when we sleep: This is where we create assets that generate income without us needing to do the work every time. The best way to generate wealth is to own equity in businesses. The sooner you start building these assets, the better.

Most people get stuck in earning only the first kind of income and do not invest enough time, energy and attention to build a reputation & skill for the second one or to build assets for the third one. As professionals, we understand that money is part of the game and we don't leave it to hope and luck.