Making progress on your creative project.

“Where Is Your Hour?”
~ Seth Godin, The Practice

Here's what you do: Choose one priority project. Spend 3 hours daily working on it, starting at the same time every day. No distractions. No multitasking. No work on any other project during these hours.

You won't know what you will work on when you start each day. But you will never know until you sit down and start the work. Sitting down is the challenge.

This creates a space for the project to exist and evolve. This brings certainty to the project. Not the certainty of the outcome, but the certainty that you will be here working on this every day. This is what fuels a creative project. This is all it needs.

If you don't have 3 hours, then start with one. You can increase it to 3 as you go along. Trying to do more than 3 doesn't really work in the long run. But you are free to try.

If you don't sit down with this intent, realise that it's not a priority project and that you might not be serious enough about moving it forward.

If you do sit down regularly, then, maybe, just maybe, you would be able to make magic happen.