2 kinds of projects.

One is the predictable kind, the one with a set recipe which we simply need to follow. This kind of project can be drawn out on a Gantt chart. It's similar to driving from one city to another using a GPS system. You can tell exactly where you are, how far you have come and how far is left. Everything is pretty much predictable.

On the other hand, the challenging projects, the ones that involve emotional labour do not have a clear linear path. Every step forward brings about more clarity about what the next step will be. There are iterations and failures and sometimes we get stuck in a loop and all that is part of the process. We trust ourselves and keep moving forward, one step at a time.

The challenge for creatives and entrepreneurs is that even though they are mostly working on the second kind of project, they seem to measure their progress using the first kind. This leads to a lot of doubt and anxiety.

There is no predictability with the second kind of projects. The focus there has to be on identifying the next action step and then on getting it done. We can't wait to plan the whole thing before we start moving.